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Individual Well-Being

What is well-being?

Well-being is a combination of feeling good and functioning well. Which goes beyond experiencing positive emotions, but also feeling content and living up to your full potential. That includes feeling empowered, having some control over events in your life, having a sense of purpose and belonging, and experiencing positive supportive relationships. It’s being productive and being able to make contributions to the community.

What about well-being?

Well-being is linked to professional, personal, and interpersonal success. People with higher well-being are more productive, more effective at learning and being creative, and tend to have more collaborative, empowering relationships.

How is well-being measured?

Well-being measurement has often been done by using life satisfaction or happiness scores, but have been limited. Well-being goes beyond feeling good or having pleasurable experiences to a broader definition of functioning. One composite measure of psychological well-being identified ten dimensions: competence, emotional stability, engagement, meaning, optimism, positive emotions, positive relationships, resilience, self-esteem, and vitality.

Organizational Well-Being

What is organizational well-being?

Organizational well-being focuses on maintaining a healthy work environment, promoting and maintaining an adaptive and flourishing physical, psychological, and social culture. Using an evidence based systems approach, organizational well-being utilizes leadership and team approaches by understanding well-being and distress of staff.

What about organizational well-being?

Organizational well-being is closely linked to how workers manage stress that impact their health and organizational performance. There are a multitude of work-related challenges that organizations can engage with to ensure a healthy work environment. These include protecting workers from harm, connecting, work-life harmony, mattering at work, and opportunity for growth.

How is organizational well-being measured?

Organizational well-being measurement includes patient, staff, and organizational outcomes. Staff and organizational outcomes include workplace violence prevention and decreased rates of physical violence, decreased workers’ compensation claims for violence, optimal staffing, retention, increasing diversity in leadership and staff, improving belonging and decreasing presenteeism, flexible work scheduling, using standardized tools to measure workplace stress and providing resources for the prevention and management of workplace stress.